Member's Benefits
- Network with the most successful Land Developers in Texas
- The opportunity to provide input to initiatives seeking reforms and constructive changes in commercial real estate and property development.
- Information monitoring and communication with state agencies regarding the issues critical to our members interests.
- An e-newsletter and website providing updates on current events and developing issues.
- Resources in Austin with access to elected officials, state agency principals, and allied others to help advance TLDA initiatives.
- An experienced staff and organization members with research resources to glean updated information on key issues.
- Regular membership meetings hosting local elected officials and state representatives as speakers to discuss relevant issues and give members a “voice”.
Associate Member
Associate Membership
Engineers, Contractors, Title Companies,, Banks, Utility Providers, Mortgage Lenders and
Originators, etc.
$1,500.00 Annually
Developer Member
$3,500.00 Annually